CRS-03 Data Logger

The CRS-03 Data Logger is dedicated to work with turbine, rotary and diaphragm gas meters equipped with low frequency reed contact pulse transmitter. Its main task is to record the measured volume of flowing gas in real conditions and assign the “peak hour”, i.e. maximum hourly gas consumption together with the moment of its occurance.

A built-in display, permanently active, enables accesspromptly to the most important information for the user.

Recorded information can be passed on via Text messages (built-in GSM module) as well as via OPTO-GAZ optical connection with a suitable optical interfacewhich additionally enables to configure the device locally.



Nice flexible communication between user and CRS-03 Data Logger assured by:
LCD display with good visibility in the whole range of temperatures
Possibility of direct configuration and receiving data via OPTO-GAZ optical connection
Base softwarewhich enables to read outautomatically the device
Two inputs
LF low frequency reed contact pulse transmitter connected with Vm (V1) counter (f<10Hz)
LFb two-position, changing of the state on input can cause instantaneous giving an alarm via SMS  (Short Text Message). Used for cooperation with anti-fraud contact, signaling a brokenpulse conduit or detection of eventual manipulation
Minimum 5 years of work without necessity of battery replacement for standard working conditions
Recorded data (every 1 hour) stored for at least 280 days
Changeable reporting period and the time of sending, possibility of sending detailed data “on request”


Via SMS messages – built-in 900/1800MHz GSM module assures duplex communication via SMS messages between servers and CRS-03 Data Logger  as well as configuration of the CRS-03 Data Logger. Standard message consist of Vm (V1) counter state, increase of reporting period, “rush hour” of reporting period, date and time of reporting period appearance, date and time of sending the report, battery status. On request detailed hour data are sent.
Via OPTO-GAZ which enables to read out the recorded data locally and to configure the device


GSM Modem
Computer with software which enables to read out and gather information and configure the device. Software provided by COMMON S.A. enables to:
Configure the device
Service automatically the CRS-03 Data Loggers (i.e. sending orders to all/chosen group of devices)
Make reports set by user in requested period of time


9-digit LCD display with symbols (battery status, OPTO-GAZ, Rx, Tx, GSM signals etc.)
good visibility in the whole range of temperatures
110 x 75 x 60 mm without couplings
Internal or external (option)
Internal clock synchronized with GSM network
II 3G(2)G EEx nA[ia] IIA T4 – guarantees the possibility of mounting  the CRS-03 Data Logger in EX zone in vicinity of the gas meter (container, case etc)
Ambient temperature range -25°C ÷ +55°C
Temperature range of the GSM module -20°C ÷ +55°C
IP protection IP65
Internal lithium battery guarantees 5 years of work without necessity of replacement for standard working conditions
OUTPUTS (option)
OUT pulse signaling output informing about exceeding the contractual power (configured by OPTO-GAZ) and LED diode informing about the state of the outputs (excess)
LFOUT pulse output mapping LF internal signal (i.e. for further process in automation devices)
Data about alarms/situations 256 logs
Registered data logs Minimum 9 months (recorded every hour)
Daily data logs 128 days
Month data logs 32 months
SMS (own format of sending information)